The Indian mobile juggernaut
The Indian mobile penetration just rolls on and on with no letup in sight. We all know that India is adding highest number of mobile subscribers per month anywhere in the world. What we perhaps don't realize is the sheer historical significance of what is happening. It may be the greatest revolution ever in history - far outstripping the industrial revolution of the 18th century and the semiconductor revolution of the 90's. Last quarter of 2007 added 20 million new mobile connections. Thats more than half the people in California, the biggest state of United States, added in one quarter!
If this growth rate continues, and it is actually increasing, India will add 100 million subscribers in 2008. Yes, a 100 million!
I , for that matter, any single individual or group is not equipped to fathom the implications of such growth on India and the world. Yes, it means the cellphone makers will sell billions of dollars worth of cellphones. It also means there is a huge opportunity for companies which make backend telecom equipments. But most importantly, look at this unprecedented expansion as the enabling of 100 million people. Can you imagine what these 100 million new connections can lead to? Can you imagine what new business models can become feasible just based on sheer volumes?
I will show you a glimpse. Imagine a rural hamlet in Chattisgarh -a small state in central India. A hot afternoon. A deserted village square. Where are the villagers? Answer - They are busy making calls to rich professionals in Delhi,Mumbai and Bangalore urging them to buy a personal loan from HDFC.